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21 September 2020

Health Tech Firms Solutions Go Live at Welsh Health Board

Health tech company DrDoctor has built on its strong presence in Wales, announcing its solutions are going live for patients of the Hywel Dda University Health Board.

With DrDoctor services now running in three out of the seven Welsh Health Boards, the company now fills an integral role in the implementation of a value based healthcare system for NHS Wales.

DrDoctor is partnering with Hywel Dda UHB to introduce Digital Assessments: a new way to help patients keep their doctors informed about their health between appointments. The assessments have been prioritised for patients in the Heart Function Service and two new pathways – trauma and orthopaedics and ophthalmology – are soon to be activated.

In practice, patients receiving care from the Hywel Dda Heart Function Service will receive a text message or an email with a link to a digital assessment form to answer questions about their symptoms, physical health, and quality of life. The team responsible for the care of the patient will be able to review the information provided, allowing them to check on a patient’s progress and analyse their health in-between appointments. This information will be stored securely within the patient record. DrDoctor’s services are accredited to the highest standards set by the NHS for protecting the healthcare information of UK citizens.

Dr Phil Kloer, Deputy Chief Executive and Medical Director at Hywel Dda UHB, said:

“It is fantastic that we are able to introduce Digital Assessments for the first time in Hywel Dda UHB for suitable patients under the care of our Heart Function Service.

“Digital Assessments do not replace medical care, but the information provided through this secure platform will provide regular monitoring of symptoms at home to help us better understand our patients health and make the best use of the time spent with our clinical team.

“We hope to expand this service soon to different clinics and services including trauma and orthopaedics and eye care services.”

DrDoctor co-founder and Director Rinesh Amin added:

“The team at DrDoctor offers our congratulations to the Value Based Care team at Hywel Dda University Health Board for delivering another tool to help improve patient care. In particular, we are thrilled to successfully test and go live with another Myrddin (WPAS) integration to deliver both improved care for patients and convenience for staff.

“Today is only the first step; we look forward to delivering even more pathways for the patients at Hywel Dda UHB and ensuring that patient wait times come down and that patients are seen by their care teams in the right way at the right time.”


Hywel Dda healthcare professionals are in the process of identifying suitable patients to use Digital Assessments and those selected will automatically receive a text or email asking to complete the online form in-between appointments.

For more information about Hywel Dda University Health Board, please visit:


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