The Wood Street area of the Central Square Redevelopment, Cardiff has been announced as the Winner of the Bill Ward Award for Sustainability at the ICE Wales Cymru Project Awards held last month.
Located in Cardiff city centre, Wood Street was dominated by imposing buildings, narrow footways, and high traffic flows. Formed of entirely impermeable surfaces, rainwater rapidly entered gullies and the combined sewer system, placing strain on aged drainage infrastructure only to be exacerbated by climate change..
Part of the wider Central Square development, this project connects several critical hubs encapsulating many competing challenges through effective design and delivery. This project, involving Knights Brown Construction and Arup for key partner Cardiff Council, demonstrates how nature-based solutions, creative thinking and collaboration can re-purpose car-centric streets into resilient multi-functional spaces. Narrowed lanes, widened pavements, and segregated cycleways seamlessly integrate with 25 new trees and 180 square metres of biodiverse pockets (rain gardens) that serve as flood-mitigating sponges, filtering highway run-off before draining to the river.
John Mather, ICE Wales Cymru Head Judge said:
“We were particularly impressed with the sustainable urban drainage and sustainable transport elements of the scheme and indeed with the general improvement in the public realm. The use of high-quality materials is evident in the paving and seating provided”.
This Award is presented annually to the project which best demonstrates the principles of sustainability, i.e. social, economic and environmental benefits of the project during delivery and upon completion and honours Bill Ward CEng FICE (1922 – 2018)
Keith Jones ICE Wales Cymru Director, said:
“This entry reflected the Welsh Government policy focus on sustainability, safety and on the improvement of the Environment – in built up areas and in the countryside. Our awards are a tribute to civil engineers, infrastructure is in safe hands here. We congratulate the winners and thank all entrants”.