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Ambition North Wales

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Ambition North Wales work as a partnership to deliver on our ambition - identifying and delivering opportunities to develop our economy.

The Future of Low Carbon Homes in North Wales

In this latest audio interview David Mathews, Land and Property Programme Manager at Ambition North Wales, talks to Business News Wales about the need for sustainability across the construction sector, and the importance of low carbon homes.

David is focused on overcoming the barriers that prevent regional development sites being delivered to the property market in North Wales. He also works on developing projects in collaboration with the public and private sector to deliver the benefits of capital investment and job creation.

Interview Highlights

  • Construction is one of the largest emitters of greenhouse gases in terms of economic activities, not just in the UK but around the planet, meaning that striving for a carbon-neutral construction process is crucial to aid in the reduction of climate change
  • It is likely that houses of the future will have air source heat pumps and photovoltaic cell battery storage to aid with the sustainability
  • Ambition North Wales (ANW) is working with challenging development sites to aid in alleviating high costs and to aid in stimulating investment, as well as creating apprenticeship opportunities
  • There's so much coming on at the moment in terms of government policy, regulatory change, the industry stepping up, the institutions are stepping up regarding carbon-neutral homes and construction
  • The houses that will be familiar in 20 years’ time will be a low carbon asset, which is providing good quality homes for people of a size and scale, which gives them a degree of enjoyment and improves their health, improves their well-being and it'll be the new normal.

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