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15 September 2020

First Year on the Welsh Equine Scene for Rural Enterprise Entrepreneurs

Sisters Ellie (24) and Milly (21) are celebrating the first anniversary of their competition and livery yard in the Vale of Glamorgan, with the yard continuing to grow and thrive despite the ongoing pandemic and start-up struggles.

With the support of HSBC and their mother, the sisters established Sharp Equine at Ashley House, with horses’ welfare as their top priority in September 2019. The property has been transformed over the last year, with the sisters investing a significant amount and turning the tired stables and exhausted paddocks into a quality, vibrant equine business ensuring that excellent care for horses is on hand at all times, including a solarium, walker and newly surfaced indoor arena.

The sisters don’t come from the traditional equine family, but with Milly’s passion for horses, and Ellie’s knowledge of business, the opportunity to open their equine business was too tempting; they said of the experience so far,

“We have really enjoyed the first year and seeing the yard change for the better, as well as using our knowledge, skills and passion to make sure that we create an environment that is supportive, inclusive and somewhere where horse owners feel part of the Sharp Equine family.

“We believe that our individual skills are the perfect blend to be able to create a successful business in the long term and it wouldn’t have been possible without the team at HSBC and the enduring support we have received from our mum, Katie.”

The sisters continue to work with HSBC on their business plan, which includes how the property and business will continue to expand over the next five to fifteen years such as constructing additional arenas to host competitions.

Alongside the change of lifestyle, from living in Llandaff in Cardiff, both Milly and Ellie have continued to study at university and are due to complete a BSc in Equine Performance and MSc in Business and Management respectively.

To mark the anniversary, Jane Hutt MS visited Sharp Equine, commenting,

“It is a delight to see two young, ambitious women pursuing their dreams and making a success out of their first venture. I wish them the very best and look forward to following their journey as it continues.”

Sharp Equine currently has more than 25 liveries, ranging from do-it-yourself to full livery and is a community of passionate horse owners, with several being with the business since it opened last year and following its development.

For more information about the yard and the facilities it offers, visit


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