New Destination Management Organisation for Pembrokeshire


In the midst of these extraordinary times work is continuing on establishing Pembrokeshire’s new Destination Management Organisation (DMO), with the aim of getting it up and running later this year to help ensure tourism in our county is in a strong position to drive recovery going into 2021.

Wales’ first DMO of this type will see resources and staff from Pembrokeshire County Council’s (PCC) Tourism Marketing department combined with Pembrokeshire Tourism, the county’s tourism trade organisation, with support and resources also coming from the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority (PCNPA) and PLANED.

The new organisation, Visit Pembrokeshire, will be led by the trade and will be able to deliver a wider range of activities including: destination marketing activity; campaign and project delivery; industry liaison and support; research and intelligence; advocacy, and other activities such as supporting and delivering events.

The decision to create a new DMO was taken in February when all four governing bodies of the Destination Pembrokeshire Partnership (PCC, PCNPA, PLANED and Pembrokeshire Tourism) formally approved the proposal. A transition group has been established, to set up the new organisation. It is made up of representatives from the tourism sector, the National Park and Pembrokeshire County Council, and has met twice via video conference over the last 2 months.

Members of the group are: Tim Brace (FBM Holidays); Chris Ebsworth (Folly Farm), Tegryn Jones (Chief Executive Pembrokeshire Coast National Park), Neil Kedward (The Grove & Seren Collection), Mike Cavanagh (Head of Cultural, Leisure, Tourism and Registration Services – Pembrokeshire County Council), Jane Rees-Baynes (Chair of Pembrokeshire Tourism), and Cllr Paul Miller (Pembrokeshire County Council).

Once the new organisation is ready to launch, there will be a call for board members, primarily from the tourism & hospitality sector, to help support the work of the organisation.

A crucial part of the work of the transition group is to oversee the recruitment of a newly created Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position, to head up the new organisation.

Jane Rees-Baynes, Chair of Pembrokeshire Tourism and the chair of the DMO’s transition group said

“This is a fantastic opportunity to help shape the growth and direction of our new organisation. Working with a very experienced and knowledgeable team, the new CEO will help drive the tourism recovery strategy as well as delivering the 5-year destination plan. At a time of great challenge for the industry, the establishment of this new organisation and appointment of an inspirational leader will bring great hope to the industry and will put the County in pole position for a strong recovery”

The transition group are also working with the wider Destination Pembrokeshire Partnership, and partners such as Visit Wales, to identify the most appropriate ways of promoting the county when lock down is lifted to boost recovery in 2021.

Business News Wales