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14 August 2024

Community Group Looks Set to Expand to Larger Premises

Monmouthshire County Council's Cabinet will discuss a proposal to grant a 12-month lease for the former Tudor Street Day Centre in Abergavenny to The Gathering community group.

The Gathering was formed in 2023 to support individuals with learning disabilities, mental health issues, and additional needs. Since January 2024, The Gathering has been running activities at MCC's Wellbeing Information Centre – the former Tourist Information Centre in Abergavenny – for two days a week.

This 12-month lease proposal is a significant step towards enabling The Gathering to realise its vision for the former day centre at Tudor Street. The agreement will transfer the building's responsibility, including running costs and repair/maintenance, to the group, enabling them to relocate their existing operations from the Wellbeing Centre into the larger property at Tudor Street.

This will provide them with an opportunity to develop their service model, activities, and financial plan, thereby demonstrating the viability of their concept. The business plan put forth by The Gathering outlines a range of potential uses for the property, including activities focused on wellbeing, education, and work experience.

Cllr Ian Chandler, Cabinet Member for Social Care, Safeguarding and Accessible Health Services, said:

“Following many months of dialogue with The Gathering, in which we have been supporting them in developing their activities and business plan, I am delighted to bring this recommendation to Cabinet. By providing them with a 12-month lease for Tudor Street, The Gathering will have full-time use of a larger and more accessible venue from which they can build on the fantastic services they offer the local community. As a council, we will continue to support them throughout the year. I look forward to seeing them develop over the next 12 months, and I thank them for their dedication to community services.”


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