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5 November 2022

Building Down as City Centre Regeneration Continues

Here’s how the site of the former Llys Dewi Sant building now looks as its demolition paves the way for the further transformation of Swansea city centre.

The site forms part of the overall Swansea Central North development site that will be redeveloped by regeneration specialists Urban Splash and Milligan.

Before its demolition, the former Llys Dewi Sant building had most recently been used as a site office for the £135m Copr Bay district developed by Swansea Council and development managed by RivingtonHark.

Once detailed proposals are in place for the overall Swansea Central North development site, plenty of opportunities will be made available for local residents and businesses to give feedback that will help shape final plans.

Cllr Rob Stewart, Swansea Council Leader, said:

“The Swansea Central North development site in the area of the former St David’s Shopping Centre is one of many to be transformed by our long-term regeneration partners Urban Splash.

“The demolition of the former Llys Dewi Sant building was needed to prepare that overall site for redevelopment plans that will create more jobs and vibrancy as part of a new area that will better link areas like Oxford Street with the waterfront and our new Copr Bay district that includes Swansea Arena and the coastal park.

“As soon as these plans are ready in detail, they’ll be available for residents and businesses to have their say on as the £1bn transformation of Swansea into the one of the UK’s best places to live, work, study and visit continues.”

Other sites to be redeveloped by Urban Splash include the Civic Centre site and a plot of land close to the river bridges in the St Thomas area of the city


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