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16 October 2023

AI Tech Company Chooses West Wales as its Headquarters

Technology company Delineate has chosen West Wales as the centre of operations for its global customer base, helping to strengthen the Welsh tech sector and opening up opportunities for local people.

Delineate, a research technology company pioneering new ways of gathering consumer insights – and whose customers include major food and drink brands – will be based in Ceredigion on the Welsh coast.

This announcement comes as Wales Tech Week – from 16-18 October – celebrates Welsh technology and champions the industry on an international stage, promoting local expertise in emerging technologies and investment in the Welsh tech scene.

The new office in the area will house 50 employees working across a range of roles in the business, whose innovative approach to conducting surveys helps brands understand their customers and the world in real-time to make better business decisions. Delineate is the first business in this research technology sector to establish a presence in the area.

Wales is now making a significant contribution to the UK’s tech industry and fast becoming a centre for technology growth and excellence. Delineate is keen to play a part in that future success, attracting high value industries and helping local economies flourish through supporting the Welsh Government’s aim to create a more prosperous economy.

The move is in part due to the rollout of superfast broadband in the area, which has enabled businesses to choose Ceredigion as a location by bringing fast, reliable connectivity that boosts business capabilities.

Not only is this good news for businesses, but also for young people in the area who, with these growth opportunities, could face very different futures. The ambition of Ceredigion Council’s own economic strategy is to give young people who wish to stay and develop a career in Ceredigion the opportunities to do so. Delineate’s expansion and office launch will be a further step toward realising those ambitions.

Delineate CEO and founder, James ‘JT’ Turner, said:

“Having fallen in love with rural Wales over 25 years ago, when looking to put down roots and grow our business Ceredigion was a natural choice.

“We didn’t get here on our own – our work with partners like Business Wales and Ceredigion Council has been crucial. If we can help others in the tech ecosystem take steps towards similar success of their own, I’d be delighted.

“I can’t wait to show people what’s next for Delineate and its people in this beautiful part of the world.”

Minister for the Economy, Vaughan Gething, said:

“It is great to see global companies such as Delineate taking a Wales First approach and providing high value and skilled employment in West Wales. The investment that the team are making will not only be good news for the region but for the Welsh economy more widely, and for our growing tech industry. Our ambition is to attract investment through the implementation of our Economic Mission, and we will continue to identify ways to support businesses to deliver for our local economies.”

Councillor Clive Davies, Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration at Ceredigion County Council, said:

“We have identified supporting businesses to get started and grow as a key priority in our Economic Strategy. Ceredigion is a county where many have established thriving and successful businesses. The investment by Delineate is warmly welcomed by Ceredigion County Council, and we look forward to seeing the launch of the new office create many opportunities for our people and for our wider business network.”

Steffan Evans, Production Director at Delineate, said:

“Delineate has given me the chance to build a successful career in the area I’ve always called home. Our clients are based all over the world and I love that I can represent West Wales in what I do, while working for a company revolutionising a traditional industry with a brand new technological approach.”

“Mae Delineate wedi rhoi’r cyfle i mi adeiladu gyrfa lwyddiannus yn yr ardal ges i fy magu ynddi. Mae ein cleientiaid wedi’u lleoli o gwmpas y byd ac rydw i wrth fy modd fy mod yn gallu cynrychioli Gorllewin Cymru yn yr hyn rydw i’n ei wneud, tra’n gweithio i gwmni sy’n chwyldroi diwydiant traddodiadol gyda dull technolegol newydd sbon.”

Chloe Rogers, Production Executive, said:

“I started working at Delineate straight after I left school. This job has given me a career in tech that I never thought was possible as I had no previous experience. I can see a world of opportunities now – and I’m keen to see where it takes me.”

“Fe ddechreuais i weithio yn Delineate yn syth ar ôl i mi adael yr ysgol. Mae'r swydd hon wedi rhoi gyrfa mewn technoleg i mi nad oeddwn erioed wedi meddwl oedd yn bosibl heb unrhyw brofiad blaenorol. Gallaf weld byd o gyfleoedd nawr – ac rwy’n awyddus i weld lle mae’n mynd â mi.”


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