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17 May 2024

Corporate CEO Turned Entrepreneur Launches Platform for ‘Brave Bold Brilliant’ Leaders

A Swansea-based corporate CEO turned entrepreneur has unveiled a dedicated support platform to help business leaders overcome challenges to growth.

Jeannette Linfoot is the former-CEO of the travel division for Saga and MD of Emerging Markets for TUI and has worked in senior leadership positions for other household brands, including Thomson, Thomas Cook and First Choice.

After exiting the corporate world in 2019, Jeannette has leveraged her 30+ years’ of global professional experience to advise executive Boards and help business leaders overcome challenges to growth through business mentoring, masterminds, and board advisory work. She has established a multi-million pound business portfolio and set up her own mentorship and executive leadership development programmes.

After helping many high-profile organisations – such as Accor Hotels, Virgin Atlantic, Manchester Ao and EY – achieve impressive results, Jeannette decided to launch a new business support platform that would enable more entrepreneurs and business leaders to benefit from her approach to business strategy and success.

Brave Bold Brilliant is a dedicated business support platform which provides business owners, C-Suite leaders, and entrepreneurs with access to a library of online support resources, together with business mentoring, masterminds, and courses, including a proven Executive Leadership Development Programme.

Already utilised by business leaders across the UK, Brave Bold Brilliant contains resources spanning key topics ranging from strategy and planning through to imposter syndrome and growth mindset.

This follows the success of Jeannette’s dedicated ‘Brave Bold Brilliant’ Podcast, which is listed in the top 1.5% with a growing audience spanning in excess of 120 different countries worldwide.

Jeannette Linfoot said:

“I genuinely believe that everyone has greatness within them and the potential to achieve success but sometimes they just need a push in the right direction.

“Having honed and implemented the Brave Bold Brilliant approach into the businesses I have ran as a corporate CEO together with the many organisations I have worked with in an advisory capacity, I felt that – in order to reach more people and deliver a greater impact – I needed to develop an accessible suite of business resources able to help both individuals and teams to achieve their business objectives.

“I am, therefore, delighted to unveil the official Brave Bold Brilliant site and hope business leaders and entrepreneurs across the UK find it both valuable and useful in their own journey to success.”

The launch of the Brave Bold Brilliant business support platform comes as Jeannette celebrates the 400th episode of the podcast.

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