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24 April 2020

The Challenges of Managing a Remote Digital Marketing Team

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of UK businesses have been forced into adopting a work from home strategy. This may present a number of challenges for those not well prepared to do so.

Unlike some businesses that are reliant on having physical premises from which to operate, digital marketing agencies have a distinct advantage in that the majority of their operations can be carried out remotely.

Digital Marketing agency, Seed Publicity, discusses some of the barriers and concerns associated with managing a remote agency team. They also explore how to implement procedures and best practices to ensure they remain operating efficiently while simultaneously nurturing company culture and wellbeing.

Managing A Digital Marketing Team Remotely – What Are the Challenges? 

Adapting your team

It is not easy for everyone to adapt to remote working, especially if they are used to being in a bustling, sociable office. However, by being sensitive to this and adopting an open and honest approach from the outset, you can help to ensure your team feels able to communicate any issues they face and feels supported in their new working environment. By fostering a positive and encouraging attitude, the team is much more likely to work together well and will feel reassured that they can continue to carry out their role from home and that the agency is facilitating this.

Nick Stuart – Millar CEO of Seed said:

“Great communication is absolutely imperative in a remote working environment….”

Securing your tools 

Making sure that the team has all the tools that they need to work productively is essential. Being able to operate effectively from home means that any equipment and software must be accessible and that any employees who need training in various programmes are given the time and resources to do so. Your team may have to adopt a slightly different approach as they won’t necessarily have access to the same equipment as they did in the office. It’s essential, therefore, to be flexible, creative, and have a problem-solving mentality to ensure that the business can continue to operate as it should and overcome any challenges that may arise.

Ensuring productivity and efficiency

When working remotely, it is hugely important to have processes in place and to set expectations for the team. Over-communicate and make sure that the team checks in with each other regularly. Set up clear, incentive-driven objectives, and monitor progress. To do this, business leaders must continue to track individual and overall task progression

to ensure targets are being met and the vision and goals of the team are aligned. Transparent processes are also critical and will provide a seamless day to day operation of the business.

It’s also crucial to acknowledge that different people are productive at different times, so leaders must be flexible around working hours to keep employees self-motivated.

Maintaining morale is a considerable challenge in remote working. Business leaders should provide stability, advice, and solutions. It’s also well worth remembering that a little fun goes a long way. Setting up a weekly team quiz, for example, can help to keep the team feeling socially connected and boosting team spirit.

“Keeping the team motivated isn’t just about incentives and rewards,” Nick continued “It’s about remembering that we are all in this together…”

While remote working might not be ideal for many businesses, it is by being agile, adaptable, and flexible that agencies will be well prepared for the challenges this brings and in doing so will come out of the other side feeling stronger, more robust, and better connected as a result.

To read the full interview with Seed’s CEO, Nick Stuart-Miller, about his approach for managing a remote team during the COVID-19 pandemic, Visit the website here:


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