Pembrokeshire County Council Leader, Councillor David Simpson, has provided a further coronavirus update for Tuesday, 31st March, as follows:
‘I want to inform you all on what is happening within the Authority to deal with the impact of Corvid 19.
‘Last week we had clear direction from the Government to “lock down and stay at home” to help tackle this pandemic. I am pleased to say that as an Authority we have adjusted our working practices to reflect the Government’s advice to work from home. I am very proud at the way everyone has pulled together.
‘Over the last few years, we have adopted and promoted “smarter working for a smarter workforce” which is a new working model to ensure we have an agile workforce. Agile working is now operating very well without compromising our service delivery.
‘Councillor Neil Prior, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Transformation and IT, has said: “The last few weeks has driven home the importance of flexible working in a strategic way, which delivers benefits both for employees, businesses and the general community. I would like to thank all staff for the hard work they are putting in to tackle this pandemic.”
‘As Leader I would also like to highlight that our Business Grant applications process is active and we have already received in excess of 1,500 applications. I am aware that the business processing team are working tirelessly to process all the applications.
‘I did highlight yesterday the requirement to Avoid Unnecessary Travel. This instruction needs to be taken on board by everyone and I urge you all to help beat this pandemic by staying at home.
‘Our beaches, castles, walks etc will all be there after this is over, so please stay at home to help ease the pressures with our colleagues in the NHS and care workers and to stay safe.
‘Press releases issued since my message yesterday are:
- Council Tenants Reassured:
- Nothing Rubbish About Zoe’s Challenge:
‘Please everyone adhere to Government advice, stay home and be safe. Thank you.’
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