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29 January 2025

New Pro-Vice-Chancellor for External Engagement and Partnerships Appointed at Wrexham University

Wrexham University has announced the appointment of Moss Garde as the institution’s new Pro Vice-Chancellor for External Engagement and Partnerships.

Mr Garde has had a wide and varied career both in the UK and overseas, having held university senior management positions across a variety of roles in higher education in the UK and abroad, encompassing areas in registry, recruitment and admissions, alumni relations, student retention and engagement.

He brings more than 20 years of internationalisation, partnership and university management experience across the globe to Wrexham University.

He has held university senior and executive management positions at institutions such as University College Dublin; St Patrick’s Pontifical University, Maynoot; Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST); the University of Westminster; Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne in Switzerland; and the University of Wolverhampton.

Mr Garde has been involved across senior levels within higher education and at governmental level – including the formation of the Education Qualifications Authority (BQA in Botswana) and the rolling out of the new requirements for the International Education Mark for all HE institutions in Ireland, as part of new government legislation.

In addition to this, his skills in international campus management and partnerships across Mauritius, Germany, Angola and the UK brings significant depth to his contributions at Wrexham University.

As a recognised industry expert in quality and governance, recognised by board membership with the Advance HE Governance Strategic Advisory Group, Mr Garde brings a strong ethos of embedding quality across all aspects of internationalisation, partnerships and industry relationships.

Announcing Mr Garde’s appointment, Professor Joe Yates, Vice-Chancellor of Wrexham University, said:

“I am delighted to announce the appointment of Moss Garde as our Pro Vice-Chancellor for External Engagement and Partnerships, following a rigorous recruitment process.


“This is a new role which will play a crucial part in our journey to becoming a world-leading civic university.


“Moss will be an excellent addition to the Executive Team of the University, and will play a pivotal role in building on our regional and global platform to help us to realise the ambitions of our new and soon-to-be-launched Vision and Strategy to take us through to 2030.”

On accepting the role, Mr Garde said:

“I am delighted to join Wrexham University at such an exciting time. I have been hugely impressed by the ethos and ambitions of the University and the plans for the development of the city.


“I am privileged to have the opportunity to join Professor Yates and the rest of the Executive Team to support and contribute to shaping the future of this unique university, growing and developing partnerships and opportunities for the benefit of our students and the communities that we serve – locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.”

Penodi Dirprwy Is-ganghellor Newydd ar gyfer Ymgysylltu Allanol a Phartneriaethau ym Mhrifysgol Wrecsam

Mae Prifysgol Wrecsam yn falch o gyhoeddi penodiad Moss Garde yn Ddirprwy Is-Ganghellor newydd y sefydliad ar gyfer Ymgysylltu Allanol a Phartneriaethau.

Mae Mr Garde wedi cael gyrfa eang ac amrywiol yn y DU a thramor, ar ôl dal swyddi uwch reolwyr prifysgol ar draws amrywiaeth o rolau mewn addysg uwch yn y DU a thramor, gan gwmpasu meysydd cofrestru, recriwtio a derbyn, cysylltiadau cyn-fyfyrwyr, cadw myfyrwyr. ac ymgysylltu.

Mae’n dod â mwy nag 20 mlynedd o brofiad rhyngwladoli, partneriaeth a rheoli prifysgolion ledled y byd i Brifysgol Wrecsam.

Mae wedi dal swyddi uwch a rheolaeth weithredol prifysgol mewn sefydliadau fel Coleg Prifysgol Dulyn; Prifysgol Esgobol St Patrick, Maynoot; Prifysgol Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Namibia (NUST); Prifysgol San Steffan; Ecole Hôtelière de Lausanne yn y Swistir; a Phrifysgol Wolverhampton.

Mae Mr Garde wedi bod yn ymwneud ar draws lefelau uwch o fewn addysg uwch ac ar lefel – y llywodraeth gan gynnwys ffurfio'r Awdurdod Cymwysterau Addysg (BQA yn Botswana) a chyflwyno'r gofynion newydd ar gyfer y Marc Addysg Rhyngwladol ar gyfer holl sefydliadau AU yn Iwerddon, fel rhan o ddeddfwriaeth newydd y llywodraeth.

Yn ogystal â hyn, mae ei sgiliau rheoli campws rhyngwladol a phartneriaethau ar draws Mauritius, yr Almaen, Angola a’r DU yn dod â dyfnder sylweddol i’w gyfraniadau ym Mhrifysgol Wrecsam.

Fel arbenigwr diwydiant cydnabyddedig mewn ansawdd a llywodraethu, a gydnabyddir gan aelodaeth bwrdd gyda Grŵp Cynghori Strategol Llywodraethu Advance HE, mae Mr Garde yn dod ag ethos cryf o ymgorffori ansawdd ar draws pob agwedd ar ryngwladoli, partneriaethau a pherthnasoedd diwydiant.

Wrth gyhoeddi penodiad Mr Garde, meddai’r Athro Joe Yates, Is-Ganghellor Prifysgol Wrecsam:

“Rwy’n falch iawn o gyhoeddi penodiad Moss Garde fel ein Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor ar gyfer Ymgysylltu Allanol a Phartneriaethau, yn dilyn proses recriwtio drylwyr.

“Mae hon yn rôl newydd a fydd yn chwarae rhan hanfodol yn ein taith i ddod yn brifysgol ddinesig sy’n arwain y byd.
Bydd “Moss yn ychwanegiad rhagorol i Dîm Gweithredol y Brifysgol, a bydd yn chwarae rhan ganolog wrth adeiladu ar ein platfform rhanbarthol a byd-eang i’n helpu i wireddu uchelgeisiau ein Gweledigaeth a Strategaeth newydd sydd i’w lansio’n fuan. mynd â ni drwodd i 2030.”

Wrth dderbyn y rôl, meddai Mr Garde:

"Rwy’n falch iawn o ymuno â Phrifysgol Wrecsam ar adeg mor gyffrous. Mae ethos ac uchelgeisiau'r Brifysgol a'r cynlluniau ar gyfer datblygiad y ddinas wedi gwneud argraff fawr arnaf.

“Mae’n fraint i mi gael y cyfle i ymuno â’r Athro Yates a gweddill y Tîm Gweithredol i gefnogi a chyfrannu at lunio dyfodol y brifysgol unigryw hon, gan dyfu a datblygu partneriaethau a chyfleoedd er budd ein myfyrwyr a’r cymunedau yr ydym yn eu gwasanaethu – yn lleol, yn rhanbarthol, yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol."

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