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FinTech Wales Seeking Feedback for HM Treasury Officials


We are very happy to see that the UK government has announced that it will be helping innovative companies through the coronavirus outbreak with £1.25 billion worth of support.

FinTech Wales is a part of the UK FinTech network which feeds into the constant dialogue with government and regulators that has been occurring in recent weeks.

Ahead of the launch of the scheme in May, we have a further opportunity to present feedback from across the UK FinTech sector to HM Treasury officials, especially from investors and founders, on what the eligibility criteria for the support should be.

In particular, we are keen to hear your views on the following:

  • In your view, what types of FinTech businesses will apply?
  • How will this impact on investors in your community, and what types of investors would be interested?  (For example, lots of interest here in London from the VC community – is this reflected anywhere else, or is more likely to be angel / family / other private funding? Or a mix of public / private funding?)
  • What impact do you think this announcement will have on local applications for R&D credits?
  • How effective or impactful do you think this announcement will be within your local FinTech community?

Your views will, as ever, be critical to helping us represent the views of UK FinTech to the government.

Please get in touch directly with any feedback to [email protected] We are likely to have further discussions on this later this week, so any comments welcome as soon as possible, but obviously the opportunity for feedback to the government is fairly constant at present.

Business News Wales