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24 April 2023

Yr Wyddfa: The First ‘Plastic Free’ Mountain in the World?

The National Park Authority hosted an event at the Royal Victoria Hotel in Llanberis to discuss with local businesses the possibility of Yr Wyddfa being the first plastic free mountain in the world.

The ‘Plastic Free Yr Wyddfa' project is an initiative launched by National Park Authority in response to the growing concern over plastic waste and its impact on the environment. The project raised awareness about the harmful effects of plastic pollution on the natural beauty in the Yr Wyddfa region and the need for sustainable practices.

The aim was for the Authority to begin on the ‘Plastic Free Path’ with businesses within the Yr Wyddfa zone and to agree an accessible framework for a Plastic Free Awards Scheme. There was a focus on how we can engage with visitors on litter, methods for reducing unnecessary single use plastics from the waste stream and finding ways to reuse and recycle.

Rob and Fiona Nicholson from Plas Coch, Llanberis said:

“At our guest house on the foothills of Yr Wyddfa, we believe in the beauty and preservation of the natural world around us. That's why we're committed to reducing our use of single-use plastics. By doing so, we can protect the stunning environment that our guests come to experience and help ensure its beauty lasts for future visitors to the area.

The event featured guest speakers from across North Wales, and trade stands exhibiting businesses who are already offering possible solutions to the Plastic Free Yr Wyddfa project.

The event provided an opportunity to discuss ideas and share opinions and the Authority’s Chief Executive Emyr Williams provided a conclusion to the proceedings.”

Alec Young the ‘Plastic Free’ Yr Wyddfa Project Officer said:

 “We were excited to host the ‘Plastic Free Yr Wyddfa' event and to collaborate with businesses in Yr Wyddfa region to safeguard the mountain and its’ wildlife’s future. We hope it has inspired local business owners, as well as spark a conversation about how we can reduce our use of single use plastics, whilst helping to preserve the natural beauty of Eryri and maintaining profits.

“By raising awareness about reducing plastic waste on yr Wyddfa, we also highlight the broader issue of littering in in the National Park. By designating Yr Wyddfa as a ‘Plastic Free Zone’, we can take advantage of the impact of ‘Plastic Free’ messaging to raise awareness of the damage other waste types have on the mountain and on our landscapes as well.”


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