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4 April 2022

Welsh Government in Bid to Boost Remote Working

Pandemic lockdowns heralded a new era of remote working. And the shift looks set to remain a key aspect of the UK’s workplace culture as many workers prove reluctant to give up the positive benefits of ditching the commute and businesses discover the upside of reduced costs and access to an increased talent pool. 

The Welsh Government is now pushing to lock in these benefits with its new Remote Working Strategy, which outlines the government’s ambition to achieve 30% of the Welsh workforce working at, or near, home during this Senedd term.

Deputy Minister for Climate Change, Lee Waters, said:

“One of the lessons we have learned from the pandemic is that many people don’t want to or need to be in a traditional workplace environment to carry out their work.

“Working remotely brings with it a multitude of benefits. As well as helping people escape the commute and develop a better work-life balance, working locally also plays a vital role in regenerating our town centres by bringing people into the heart of the community to work and shop, as well as reducing congestion and cutting carbon emissions.”

The Welsh Government plans to work with businesses, trade unions and key stakeholders to help more employers to adopt a more agile and flexible approach within their workplaces but will not mandate targets for employers or individuals. Instead, it will work to encourage more flexibility, voice and choice for workers, and greater agility for businesses and organisations.

Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething, said:

“As set out in our Economic Mission, the benefits of remote working for businesses and organisations able to adapt are clear – increased productivity and reduced sickness absence, more job opportunities for people based in rural and semi-rural communities, and access to a wider and more diverse workforce.

“We’re aiming to support employers and work with trade unions to showcase what best practice looks like.”

The strategy also reveals plans to explore the development an online platform to help workers find local workspaces. Data will also be collected to help employers better understand their workforce and track trends.


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