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21 November 2023

Upskilling Staff Can Make Businesses More Digital Savvy

With more than eighty per cent of consumers conducting online research on a product or service before purchasing and the number of social media users at nearly four billion people, the importance of a strong digital presence can’t be overstated.

Digital marketing offers a wealth of opportunities for any business regardless of sector or size, but it can be a daunting prospect – particularly if you are starting from scratch.

Digital marketing is key to boosting your brand’s visibility, offering not only global reach and precise targeting but cost-effective advertising and incredibly measurable data.

But it can feel like a big step for any business unfamiliar with the expansive digital landscape.

Thankfully digital success doesn’t start with huge marketing budgets or outsourcing, it starts with staff.

Staff with the skills, knowledge and confidence to coordinate engaging campaigns are key to accomplishing impactful digital marketing. And Wales’ leading training provider, ACT, can help.

ACT offers fully-funded, work-based training, helping employees gain key skills and qualifications while in their current roles.

The Digital Marketing apprenticeship is perfect for businesses wanting to do more through social media, video sharing and display advertising. This is just one course in an entire suite of qualifications – including Social Media for Business and Digital Marketing Level 4 – aimed at giving businesses a digital uplift.

The Digital Marketing course explores topics including marketing planning and metrics and analytics as well as the ethics and legalities of advertising online.

ACT offers training in everything from social media and customer service to business administration and management. The flexibility of the courses mean that employees can work at gaining their qualification while employed.

Courses are funded by the Welsh Government and give learners the chance to build of their existing knowledge and skills as well as learning new ones.

ACT currently works with employers across all sectors throughout Wales including The British Heart Foundation, The Celtic Manor Resort, NHS Health Boards, Welsh Ambulance Service and Cardiff University.

Find out more about what ACT can offer you and your workforce here.


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