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4 April 2023

The Royal Mint Uses World First Technology to Extract Precious Metals

The way people spend is changing, and as a result The Royal Mint is transforming to ensure it’s fit for the 21st century.

Speaking to Business News Wales, Leighton John, Operations Director at The Royal Mint, discusses how the oldest manufacturing company in the UK continues to grow, in both new markets and new countries, after successful diversification, as well as the benefits of joining Manufacturing Wales.

Launching a multi-million-pound plant to recover precious metals from e-waste later this year, The Royal Mint is using patented Excir chemistry to extract precious metals from circuit boards found in old mobile phones and laptops, to use in its jewellery collection, 886. Leighton explains how the chemistry works within seconds at ambient temperatures, allowing The Royal Mint to address a global electronic waste problem and setting new standards in sustainable precious metals. As well as a new business, The Royal Mint continues to grow its precious metals division, with a range of products including precious metal bars, coins, digi gold, and an ETC listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Manufacturing Wales is a platform for businesses to connect, share problems and create solutions: Being quality focused and technology led to ensure Wales’ brands are globally recognised.

Manufacturing Wales was established by manufacturers in 2021 to help them support each other, share insight and organise events that specifically focus on the needs of the sector. The aim is to be a strong voice demonstrating quality manufacturing in Wales; highlighting the very best, established, successful businesses, doing great things and enabling them to share all that is great about Welsh manufacturing. This in turn provides a strong supply chain, link into academia, highlighting job opportunities for all levels, investment, collaboration and more. We use the platform to share member stories across the media and with each other; as a trusted network we share ideas, problem solve issues and create new ventures together.

Benefits include:

  • Access to finding skills for Manufacturing employers through links to HE/FE
  • Access to other Manufacturing companies and support and advice on supply chains, research and development, funding, tax, legal advice and property management, overseas trading,
  • Participate and build relationships with other similar Manufacturers in Wales at our events, tours and webinars

If your manufacturing business would like to find out more about joining our industry lead group, contact


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