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The Educ8 Group has an unrivalled track record of delivering high quality vocational training programs, including Jobs Growth Wales Plus and ReAct for those who’ve been made redundant, traineeships and Apprenticeships, to employers of all sizes, from micro organisations, through to SME’s and global multi-nationals corporations.

28 June 2024

Supporting Success: Cardiff University’s Apprenticeship Journey with Educ8 Training

Since 2019, Educ8 Training has been proud to support Cardiff University in the recruitment and development of apprentices. Over the past few years, nine apprentices have joined the university, bringing fresh perspectives and contributing to various departments.

We recently spoke with Executive Officer Elaine Rees, who leads the School of Psychology, Cardiff University apprenticeship program, to learn more about how the university supports its apprentices and the impact they have had.

Apprentices gain diverse experience

Cardiff University employs academic, research and professional service staff members. Our partnership with Educ8 Training began in the School of Psychology, and we now typically recruit three to four apprentices every two years. These apprentices are offered fixed-term, two-year contracts and work within various departments, including finance, health and safety, human resources, and education. The apprenticeship program ensures that the apprentices gain diverse experiences and skills.

Tailoring the apprenticeship 

Most of our apprentices undertake the Business Administration apprenticeship, with the level of study depending on their prior qualifications. Degree holders generally enter at Level 3, while others start at Level 2 and progress to Level 3 over the two-year period.

One of the key strengths of the apprenticeship program is its flexibility. The Business Administration apprenticeship offered by Educ8 Training allows us to tailor the qualification to meet the specific needs of the department in which the apprentice is based. For instance, apprentices in HR can focus on the recruitment module, those in finance study the finance-specific modules, and there are also health and safety and other general business modules available. This customisation ensures that apprentices acquire relevant skills that directly benefit their departments.

Elaine emphasises the importance of offering opportunities and investing time in making the apprenticeship experience valuable. She believes that the effort put into creating a positive learning environment with appropriate mentorship for the apprentices produces significant rewards, both for the individuals and the university.

Two year contracts

The two-year contracts offered to apprentices provide ample time for them to gain the necessary training and skills to progress within the university. Furthermore, these candidates can apply for positions within Cardiff University. We have a high retention rate for apprentices, many of whom have advanced to managerial or advisory roles, both within the School and across the University to continue their career progression.

Passion for apprenticeships

My own passion for apprenticeships stems from my own experience. At the age of 16 I began my career as an apprentice on what was known as the Youth Training Scheme. I have been able to recognise the need for more work experience opportunities for those not pursuing a traditional degree route or other formal qualifications. Initially, it was a challenge in establishing the apprenticeship program. However, now the program is up and running, it has become much easier to recruit apprentices.

Educ8 Training looks forward to welcoming more apprentices and supporting their learning journey with Cardiff university.

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Cefnogi Llwyddiant: Taith Prentisiaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd Gydag Educ8 Training

Ers 2019, mae Educ8 Training wedi bod yn falch o gefnogi Prifysgol Caerdydd i recriwtio a datblygu prentisiaid. Dros y blynyddoedd diwethaf, mae naw prentis wedi ymuno â’r brifysgol, gan ddod â safbwyntiau ffres a chyfrannu at wahanol adrannau.
Buom yn siarad yn ddiweddar â’r Swyddog Gweithredol Elaine Rees, sy’n arwain rhaglen brentisiaeth yr Ysgol Seicoleg, Prifysgol Caerdydd, i ddysgu mwy am sut mae’r brifysgol yn cefnogi ei phrentisiaid a’r effaith y maent wedi’i chael.

Mae prentisiaid yn cael profiad amrywiol

Mae Prifysgol Caerdydd yn cyflogi staff academaidd, staff ymchwil a staff gwasanaethau proffesiynol. Dechreuodd ein partneriaeth ag Educ8 Training yn yr Ysgol Seicoleg, ac fel arfer rydym yn recriwtio tri i bedwar prentis bob dwy flynedd. Mae'r prentisiaid hyn yn cael cynnig contractau cyfnod penodol, dwy flynedd a gwaith o fewn adrannau amrywiol, gan gynnwys cyllid, iechyd a diogelwch, adnoddau dynol, ac addysg. Mae’r rhaglen brentisiaeth yn sicrhau bod y prentisiaid yn cael profiadau a sgiliau amrywiol.

Teilwra'r brentisiaeth

Mae’r rhan fwyaf o’n prentisiaid yn dilyn y brentisiaeth Gweinyddu Busnes, gyda lefel yr astudio yn dibynnu ar eu cymwysterau blaenorol. Yn gyffredinol, mae deiliaid gradd yn dechrau ar Lefel 3, tra bod eraill yn dechrau ar Lefel 2 ac yn symud ymlaen i Lefel 3 dros y cyfnod o ddwy flynedd.

Un o gryfderau allweddol y rhaglen brentisiaeth yw ei hyblygrwydd. Mae’r brentisiaeth Gweinyddu Busnes a gynigir gan Educ8 Training yn caniatáu inni deilwra’r cymhwyster i ddiwallu anghenion penodol yr adran y mae’r prentis wedi’i leoli ynddi. Er enghraifft, gall prentisiaid AD ganolbwyntio ar y modiwl recriwtio, mae'r rhai mewn cyllid yn astudio'r modiwlau cyllid-benodol, ac mae modiwlau iechyd a diogelwch a busnes cyffredinol eraill ar gael hefyd. Mae'r addasu hwn yn sicrhau bod prentisiaid yn caffael sgiliau perthnasol sydd o fudd uniongyrchol i'w hadrannau.

Mae Elaine yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd cynnig cyfleoedd a buddsoddi amser i wneud y profiad prentisiaeth yn werthfawr. Mae hi’n credu bod yr ymdrech a wneir i greu amgylchedd dysgu cadarnhaol gyda mentoriaeth briodol i’r prentisiaid yn arwain at wobrau sylweddol, i’r unigolion ac i’r brifysgol.

Cytundebau dwy flynedd

Mae'r cytundebau dwy flynedd a gynigir i brentisiaid yn rhoi digon o amser iddynt ennill yr hyfforddiant a'r sgiliau angenrheidiol i symud ymlaen yn y brifysgol. Ar ben hynny, gall yr ymgeiswyr hyn wneud cais am swyddi ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Mae gennym gyfradd cadw uchel ar gyfer prentisiaid, y mae llawer ohonynt wedi symud ymlaen i rolau rheoli neu gynghori, yn yr Ysgol ac ar draws y Brifysgol i barhau â’u dilyniant gyrfa.

Angerdd am brentisiaethau

Mae fy angerdd fy hun am brentisiaethau yn deillio o fy mhrofiad fy hun. Yn 16 oed dechreuais fy ngyrfa fel prentis ar yr hyn a elwid yn Gynllun Hyfforddiant Ieuenctid. Rwyf wedi gallu cydnabod yr angen am fwy o gyfleoedd profiad gwaith ar gyfer y rhai nad ydynt yn dilyn llwybr gradd traddodiadol neu gymwysterau ffurfiol eraill. I ddechrau, roedd yn her wrth sefydlu’r rhaglen brentisiaeth. Fodd bynnag, gan fod y rhaglen bellach ar waith, mae wedi dod yn llawer haws recriwtio prentisiaid.

Mae Educ8 Training yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu mwy o brentisiaid a chefnogi eu taith ddysgu gyda phrifysgol Caerdydd.

Astudiwch weinyddiaeth busnes gyda ni: Business Administration - Educ8 (

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