Showcasing the Best of Welsh Business


Providing the Right Eco-system and Environment for Employees

Darparu’r Amgylchedd a’r Ecosystem Iawn i Gyflogeion



Siwan Rees – Operations Manager, Accelerated Growth Programme and part of the leadership team at Impact Innovation talks to Business News Wales about productivity and the importance of employing ‘quality staff’. 

“Access to talent is one of the biggest challenges that businesses are currently facing”, says Siwan, whose career has been centred around supporting businesses in Wales.

She adds that challenges are likely to be ongoing for ‘at least five years’.

“There is a skills ‘pandemic’ of shortages across all industries. As an employer, if you’re not providing the right eco-system for your employees, alternative opportunities are one click away.

“Employers have a problem with retaining talent, keeping hold of good people within the business”

Siwan states her belief that the opportunities to improve productivity are ‘unrivalled in Wales’, due to the Welsh Government’s large investment in numerous upskilling at work programmes.

“We’re incredibly fortunate to have a government that recognises that businesses need support when it comes to skills. Business Wales works to ensure businesses have the right support available to grow their own talent and access programmes to upskill their workforce and meet their business needs.”

Business Wales can help connect businesses with a number of skills and training support packages – including Jobs Growth Wales+, The Young Person’s Guarantee and Personal Learning Accounts – to ensure every business in Wales feels supported with the right training and personal development opportunities for their staff today and in the future.

To access and find out more about the Welsh Government’s recruitment and training support programmes, visit:

Listen below to hear Siwan’s further thoughts on improving productivity and the benefits of employing young people. 

Business News Wales