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16 September 2024

Monmouthshire County Council Launch Residents Survey

Monmouthshire County Council is conducting a residents survey on everyday life in Monmouthshire.

The council wants to hear from residents about living in Monmouthshire, their experience of the local area, views on the council's services, and how it can improve things to make Monmouthshire an even better place to live.

The survey will be open to residents between 13 September and 31 October. It asks questions about the quality of the local environment as well as satisfaction with services such as education, social care, transport, recycling, libraries and leisure centres.

The survey hosted by Data Cymru is part of their National Residents Survey, designed to support local councils in increasing their understanding of performance and perception.

To take part, visit:

Monmouthshire County Council's Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, Cllr Angela Sandles, said:

“Monmouthshire is a great place to live, work and visit. However, we are always looking for ways we can refine and improve our services and we are determined to work alongside communities and businesses to find ways to do this. A vital part of that is listening to what residents have to say about the area and the services their council delivers. This survey will give us a fuller picture of how people feel in the county. Your valuable feedback will allow us to review our services and implement any changes necessary to benefit all our residents.”


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