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22 March 2023

Minister Hails Success of Caerphilly Exporter

Atlantic Service Company welcomed Vaughan Gething MS, Minister for Economy, last week as he officially opened their newly-refurbished premises in Gellihaf, Caerphilly.

The prestigious site opening was part of the Welsh Government Minister for Economy’s promotion of the Explore Export Wales conference, which Atlantic Service attended as an Exemplar following their recent export successes, with customers in more than 50 countries around the world.

Having experienced huge growth in the last decade, the manufacturer – who supply bandsaws and handsaws to the food industry – had outgrown their previous premises near Crumlin and moved to this former Musashi plant, which is treble the size of its previous home, last summer.

Along with the Economy Minister, who made a short speech in the snow alongside Atlantic Service’s Vice-President Huw James, others in attendance included the Deputy Leader of Caerphilly Council, Jamie Pritchard, and the CEO of Chambers Wales, Paul Butterworth, as well as key partners, suppliers and some former employees, who were welcomed back to see the changes that had taken place.

Announcing the support for Welsh exporters, Economy Minister Vaughan Gething said:

“Exporting is vital for many of our businesses, and the Welsh Government is committed to supporting them to expand and succeed through our Export Action Plan.

“Through our Plan, we are delivering a broad range of support to businesses in Wales to drive growth in exports in the longer term, despite the ongoing challenges in the global trading environment.

“I am pleased to announce this multi-million pound investment to continue to support Welsh businesses to develop their exports, given the importance of exporting to business growth and the economy as a whole.

“I was also very pleased to formally open the new facility at Atlantic Service Company yesterday and their export growth and success is a real inspiration for other businesses across Wales. I’m delighted to have them on board as one of our Export Exemplars. I urge current and potential exporters to get in touch with the Welsh Government’s Export Team, through Business Wales, to see how we can help their businesses too.”

Martin Hughes, Managing Director of Atlantic Service, said:

“Due to large levels of growth, in the past ten years especially, Atlantic Service Company outgrew our original home of forty years and moved to our new premises during 2022. The new site is three times the size of the previous home and our growth has come about almost exclusively through exports, with significant help from Welsh Government.

It’s a proud day for our organisation to have the site officially opened by the Minister for Economy and is testament to our improved standing and development in recent years. This is our platform to continue to grow the business for the benefit of both customers and staff, to increase employment in the local area and develop within our community.”

The official opening took place 43 years after Atlantic Service first moved to Wales and more than a century after the company was founded in Brooklyn, New York at the turn of the 20th century.


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