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4 November 2022

Continued Investment in Infrastructure is Needed in Wales to Avoid a Potential Disaster

As residents, commuters and commerce battle with diversions caused by the closure of the Menai Bridge, the Institution of Civil Engineers in Wales (ICE Wales Cymru) calls for a third Menai Straits crossing in the interest of resilience and safety.

Keith Jones, Director ICE Wales Cymru explained that, with the hangers supporting the bridge deck compromised, there could potentially have been a “progressive collapse” and a “potential disaster” as has been seen in other countries.

He said:

“The Welsh Government was right to commission the analysis of the bridge which has uncovered this issue. They have also taken the right decision in implementing a safety-first approach by closing the bridge despite the public backlash over the disruption.”

However, this must be the wake-up call for Welsh Government. We have been talking about a third crossing for a long time and now decisions need to be made. We do not want to be here in 10 years having the same conversation when something else – or more serious – happens”.

ICE Wales Cymru is calling for the project -which will take several years – to start without delay in the wake of this discovery. Citing civil engineering companies in Wales and beyond, capable and eager to be involved in what could be an iconic project if done right.

Jones added:

“As a nation we must continue investment in infrastructure because clearly there is a lack of resilience in the transport network in North Wales. There is a proven link between the condition of the infrastructure of a country (Wales) and its economy. For every pound invested in infrastructure it generates £2.85 of benefits to the economy”


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