Showcasing the Best of Welsh Business


Resonating with Journos of the Future


Cardiff University student, Muskan Arora has praised Business News Wales’ upcoming Journos of the Future scheme.

Journos of the Future, a new initiative that will see the students mentored by members of the BNW team, is set to begin in November.

Describing the scheme, Muskan said:

“Any aspiring journalist would want some work experience and learning from the best in Wales is something we all strive for!”

She adds that schemes like Journos of the Future will open a student\s skillset in a wider way.

Journos of the Future will see Business News Wales’ Multimedia Production Manager, Sam Cook, give the students insight and advice for their prospective careers.

Sam will share knowledge with the students on a variety of topics including business journalism and using new and disruptive technology to find and tell stories.

Muskan talks about how she reached out to Business News Wales following a ‘Business Wales’ module at her University. She elaborates:

“When I went through the [Business News Wales] website, it was something that I could completely resonate with.”

To find out more about ‘Journos of the Future’, get in touch with [email protected] 

Business News Wales