The number of people being helped by the Pembrokeshire Community Hub continues to rise.
The Hub provides assistance to anyone who needs it during the coronavirus outbreak.
The Hub is a partnership between PCC, PAVS and Delta Wellbeing.
The staff can organise practical help such as shopping, if required, provide a link to localised community support or just act as a friendly ear to listen.
The Hub has been up and running for more than six weeks and has already received and responded to over 3,300 calls.
The Hub has been calling and writing to people on the Government’s ‘shielding’ list with many now getting back in touch to request support.
The proactive calls being made to people who have received a shielding letter has resulted in more than 1160 people in Pembrokeshire now being registered to receive a Welsh Government food parcel, a significant effort acknowledged by Welsh Government.
The number of registered Community Support Groups has now reached 73 and PAVS are working hard to encourage other groups to register so that they can link with one another.
Over 600 volunteers have come forward to help, and they are now being supported by PAVS.
A huge thank you goes to the community groups, communities and volunteers who are supporting those in need.
Small grants of up to £500 are now available to help registered Community Support Groups with their work.
The first grant was approved last week and more applications are welcomed.
The Hub can be contacted on 01437 776301 or by emailing
There is more information at