Showcasing the Best of Welsh Business


10th – 12th July – Swansea
Corrosion & Coatings Technology



This course provides an in-depth understanding of the world of corrosion, the electrochemical mechanisms and methods for preventing corrosion. A good understanding will also be gained of corrosion protective coatings and the technology used to apply them.

Who should attend?

The course will suit technical personnel, engineers and production managers whose roles involve or have an interest in corrosion and coatings technology.

Course aims

To provide the attendee with the key understanding of corrosion and the role coatings technology plays in preventing it. This will include an appreciation of metallic and organic coatings, their application and also their defects as well as the corrosion mechanisms they are designed to stop.

Learning outcomes

Knowledge of common corrosion mechanisms
Good understanding of different types of coating applications
An ability to select the correct corrosion resistant coatings for the correct applications
Course programme
Introduction to corrosion
Corrosion mechanisms
Galvanic corrosion protection
Applied current protection
Metallic barrier coatings
Organic barrier coatings
Painting technology
2 hour written exam.

Book Here

WHEN:10th – 12th July 2019
Swansea – Baglan Bay Innovation Centre

Business News Wales