Revised plans for a major regeneration scheme in Aberystwyth have been unveiled after rising costs meant the original proposals had to be reconsidered.
Ceredigion County Council secured £10.8 million of Levelling Up funding from the UK Government in late 2021. It said its regeneration plans aimed to build on Aberystwyth’s reputation as an ‘Attractor Destination’ for high-value tourism and also to strengthen its position as a destination place to live, work and study.
But the council said:
“The economic climate has changed considerably since the bid was approved in 2021, and the original vision and plans had to be re-drawn. However, the work on the Old College and Promenade were able to be saved and significant improvement works are now in motion.”
The authority is working with Aberystwyth University on the Old College project, which aims to bring new life to transform the building into a cultural centre with facilities for the university, the local community, and visitors to the area.
The Levelling Up funding has also allowed the university to acquire the former office block Y Cambria, and this will be integrated into the wider Old College project at a future time in a move which will nearly double the project’s 4* accommodation provision. Funding will be used to complete some of the 39 bedrooms being constructed in the main Old College building along with the creation of galleries and exhibition spaces designed to add value to the visitor experience.
The Old College project is due to be completed by December 2025.
Improvements are also set to be made to the existing pedestrian and cycling assets along the south Prom, around the old harbour, and onwards to Riverside Terrace. Upgrades will also be made to pavements and road surfaces in King Street with improved access to the rear of Old College and the Castle grounds. New lighting along the whole length of the Promenade will enable better use of this facility all year round.
The council says that a number of the streetlights on the Prom have reached the end of their operational life. For safety reasons, temporary lighting replacements will be installed shortly which will be followed up with more appropriate permanent fixtures when the work on the Prom starts in the autumn.
Councillor Clive Davies, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Economy and Regeneration, said:
“As a council we wish to deliver successful schemes for all the funding that we worked hard to secure to boost our economy and opportunities. We are completely committed to doing what we can to realise a significant investment in cultural, heritage, and wellbeing infrastructure across the whole county – and this scheme in Aberystwyth is a huge priority for us to deliver.
“The economy has changed considerably, however, and the exact detail of what we can ultimately deliver is influenced by rising costs and private sector stability. We will continue to work with UK Government and our stakeholders, including the local community, to look at ways to continue to drive the investment forward to generate new jobs, opportunities, skills, recreation, and new infrastructure for the town.”