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4 October 2024

Reinvigorating Rural Development in Wales

The Country Land and Business Association (CLA) and our members work hard to drive growth in Wales' rural economy.  

One of the key outcomes of our work, and something I believe would have a significant impact, is the idea of re-establishing a rural development board. This would serve as a central hub where key stakeholders, businesses, landowners, and government can come together to identify where support and advice are most needed. A streamlined, cost-effective board, drawing on the lessons of past development bodies, could play a vital role in fostering growth across rural Wales. 

The Senedd Cross Party Group (CPG) report Generating Growth in the Rural Economy reveals an alarming statistic: productivity in Wales is 16% lower than the UK average, with workers in rural areas up to 35% less productive than their urban counterparts. This productivity gap not only hampers the overall Welsh economy but highlights the disparity between rural and urban growth. The need for a strategic intervention is clear, and we believe government action, guided by recommendations from the report, could help close that gap. 

The cross-party nature of our work is essential. It’s not about political divisions but about finding common ground to address rural challenges. Chaired by Sam Kurtz, former rural affairs spokesman for the Conservative Party, our CPG brought together representatives from all major political parties in Wales. This broad support ensures that the report’s recommendations are seen as credible, practical, and grounded in the needs of rural Wales. 

Over the course of 2023, the CPG held a series of meetings focusing on four key areas: the wider economy and infrastructure, housing and planning, tourism, and food and farming. We invited sector-specific experts to contribute their insights, and we compiled this evidence into a comprehensive report that we launched in March this year. What we found was that, while rural Wales faces unique challenges, there are numerous opportunities for growth that could benefit not only the rural economy but Wales as a whole. 

Our report presents 19 low-cost, non-partisan, and tangible recommendations that we believe the Welsh Government could implement swiftly. These recommendations range from improving digital connectivity in rural areas to encouraging sustainable tourism, enhancing infrastructure, and supporting the agricultural sector. Crucially, these proposals don’t just benefit businesses in the countryside; they are designed to improve the lives of everyone who lives in, works in, or visits rural Wales. 

We see rural Wales not just as a place of natural beauty, but as a vital engine of economic growth. A positive impact on the rural economy will benefit everyone, whether they’re farmers, small business owners, or tourists who come to experience the stunning Welsh landscapes.  

By addressing the gaps in support and creating a dedicated rural development board, we believe we can unlock this potential and help build a more prosperous, resilient future for Wales. 

As we look ahead, it’s essential that both the UK and Welsh Governments take these recommendations seriously. The gap between rural and urban productivity is not insurmountable, but it requires targeted, effective action.  

We hope that by presenting these proposals, we can help steer policy in the right direction, fostering growth, innovation, and sustainability in rural Wales. 

The report can be found here – 


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