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Manners Don’t Cost a Thing for the Welsh


Britain has long been viewed as a bastion of good manners and new research conducted by money sharing app Pingit reveals that whilst some believe manners are slipping, us Welsh are still concerned about appearing polite where cash is concerned. 40 per cent of people from Wales say they are worried about committing a financial faux pas or appearing ill mannered when it comes to money.

We consider the biggest money mistake to be ‘taking too long to pay someone back’ (61 per cent). However, on average, each adult is owed £74 by their friends and family.

Other frowned upon Welsh cash clangers include not paying a fair share of the bill 57 per cent and bragging about salaries (42 per cent).

What’s more, our money mistakes could lead to ruined relationships. 16 per cent of people from Wales have rejected a second date because their potential love interest failed to pay or offer to pay on the first date whilst 6 per cent left a date early to avoid paying the bill. 20 per cent have also lost a friend because of arguments about money.

The research results also cast doubt on the country’s love affair with decadent displays of wealth on social media. Instead of admiring people with lavish lifestyles displayed in this way, a third (33 percent) of those surveyed are just annoyed by it.

The research shone a light on just how worried Welsh people are about committing a financial faux pas: over 57 per cent would rather ask others their age than their income. Nearly as many people 45 per cent prefer to overpay our share of a bill than risk looking ‘cheap’ and 27 per cent are more inclined to reveal our weight instead of our salary.

However, the concerns about making a cash clanger are not unfounded, as 15 per cent of us admit to committing a financial faux pas. Over a third (37 per cent) of those whose manners failed them when it came to money felt either guilt or embarrassment and, when asked why, over a quarter (26 per cent) said it was because they pride themselves on being polite.

To help alleviate the awkward moments, 8 per cent would love a modern etiquette guide on money whilst 4 per cent say having a ‘money mediator’ to help solve their financial feuds would lessen the aggression.

Pingit has now teamed up with etiquette expert Jo Bryant to help people navigate their way through these money minefields with their friends and family.

Etiquette and British Manners Expert, Jo Bryant, said:

“Money can be a manners minefield, the best advice I can give is be as generous as you can, don’t show off and always be fair with friends and family when splitting bills for meals or holidays. Apps like Pingit are great ways of avoiding difficult conversations and ensuring everyone pays what they owe.”

The findings were released by Pingit, an app that facilitates easy peer-to-peer payments with just a mobile number. With features such as bill-splitting for 20 people, it’s one example of the technology that 13 per cent of Welsh consumers wish for help remove some tensions around the touchy topic of money.

Darren Foulds, Managing Director of Pingit, said:

“The research shows that talking about money can still be a taboo subject among friends – with people losing mates and dates because of it. What’s more, with 40 per cent of people from Wales worrying about committing a financial faux pas, it’s obvious that people are calling out for guidance on discussing money in social situations. With apps like Pingit, offering simple and easy ways to split the bill, we can spend less time worrying and more time enjoying.”

Business News Wales