Aspire Adventures has just launched a series of adventure challenges that are aimed specifically at industry sectors.
Business News Wales sat down with CEO of Aspire Adventures, Jason Rawles following the news.
You can listen to the interview below.
In the interview, Rawles said:
“Shared adversity brings people together. It’s about physical and mental wellbeing. It’s about improving communication.”
Rawles describes how he originally wanted to set up the project prior to the pandemic but unfortunately, it had to be put on hold. The new venture is “a team-based multi-adventure series that helps teams come together, have some fun and fundamentally, support our local economies.”
Aspire Adventures’ new series has already proved popular. Within 24hrs the Automotive sector sold out completely as one organisation saw how incredibly beneficial the challenge could be.
Other sectors are Technology, Health, Energy and Professional Services. Rawles has said that more will be launched and the vision is for these to be yearly so trophy winners can look to retain their well won title.
We’ve no doubt that these new challenges will have continued success in the future.