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Hairdressing Workshops give Learners a Confidence Boost

Gweithdai Trin Gwallt yn Rhoi Hwb Hyder i Ddysgwyr



ACT’s Jobs Growth Wales + scheme aims to equip young learners, between the ages of 16 and 19, with the skills they need to progress in their future careers.

There is no set end goal for JGW+ learners but many go on to undertake further apprenticeships and gain more advanced skills in their chosen profession.

One learner who began his journey with a Level 1 course in Hairdressing and Barbering and is now finding his feet at a salon placement, while completing his Level 2 apprenticeship in Hairdressing, is 19-year-old Talek Milne.

Talek found his passion for hairstyling during lockdown, watching videos online, although he had always been interested in the creative side of the profession as well as the ability to make customers happy.

Throughout his journey Talek has had to overcome one of the biggest hurdles many young learners have to face in the beginning – confidence. It is something that has improved massively throughout his course, particularly when it comes to his shyness. Talek believes this improvement is due to the natural environment of the role and having to speak to people – after all hairdressing is probably one of the most social careers out there.

Another boost to Talek’s confidence has come through fortnightly workshops provided by ACT. The workshops give apprenticeship learners the chance to work alongside tutors to hone their skills in a more practical setting. It is a great space to ask questions, practice new methods and receive validation for the skills they have already gained.

Progressing from Level 1 to Level 2 has meant added responsibilities for Talek, especially now that he has been given a placement in a salon. Looking to the future, he is keen to broaden his colour skills, particularly when it comes to applying bold shades and designs.

Hairdressing assessor Helen Jenkins, who has overseen Talek’s progress, said:

“Talek’s confidence has come on so much since he started – from hiding in the back room and not giving me eye contact to now being at the front of the salon. He’s really come out of his shell.

“To support Talek we ensured he had the right tools – something as simple as left-handed scissors made all the difference. And now that he’s armed with that there’s no stopping him. He has come on leaps and bounds and I’m very proud of him.”

Find out more about ACT’s hairdressing qualification here.


The National Training Federation for Wales (NTFW) is a Wales-wide representative body for all those organisations or individuals involved in the delivery of learning in the workplace.

The NTFW work collaboratively with the Welsh Government to influence future Welsh Government policy on skills and apprenticeships to ensure parity of funding and esteem for work-based learning providers and apprentices.

Mae Ffederasiwn Hyfforddiant Cenedlaethol Cymru (NTFW) yn gorff cynrychioliadol ar gyfer yr holl sefydliadau ac unigolion ledled Cymru sy’n ymwneud â chyflenwi dysgu yn y gweithle.

Mae’r NTFW yn cydweithio â Llywodraeth Cymru i ddylanwadu ar eu polisi ar sgiliau a phrentisiaethau yn y dyfodol er mwyn sicrhau cydraddoldeb o ran cyllid a pharch i ddarparwyr dysgu seiliedig ar waith a phrentisiaid.


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