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5 November 2024

Dyfed Alsop, CEO Welsh Revenue Authority Confirmed as Chair of Digital Standards Group

The Centre for Digital Public Services (CDPS) is delighted to announce Dyfed Alsop, CEO of the Welsh Revenue Authority (WRA) as chair of the Digital Standards Group. 

The group is mandated by Welsh Government as the body governing the Digital Service Standard, and who curate and endorse the adoption of new digital, data and technical standards from across other sectors, countries and government departments, ensuring they are fit for purpose in Wales.

Understanding and adhering to these standards is key to delivering and modernising services so that they are designed around user needs and are simple, secure and convenient.

The group is made up of representatives from Welsh Government, local government, health and social care and other Welsh public sector bodies, who champion consistency and excellence in digital public service delivery.

Harriet Green, CDPS’ joint CEO, highlighted the importance of the group and the collaborative ethos it represents, saying:

“The Digital Standards Group is an excellent example of how CDPS can bring together the public sector to agree how we will all work. It defines the best practice standards that everyone can use to build excellent digital services, without reinventing the wheel.

“Dyfed’s appointment is another step towards an empowered and autonomous body – a group of ambassadors who champion excellence in digital public service delivery.

“Under Dyfed’s leadership, we are excited to see how the group continues to evolve and foster stronger collaboration across the public sector.”

The WRA was set up by Welsh Government in 2018 to manage the first Welsh devolved taxes, and Dyfed Alsop has been the Chief Executive from the beginning.

He explained:

“Collaboration is at the heart of what we have tried to do at the WRA from the get-go. I’m excited about this fantastic opportunity to work together with colleagues across the Welsh public sector to see how we can support and challenge one and other to deliver excellence in digital public service across Wales.

“The opportunities that ‘digital’ brings to improve public services for the people of Wales are enormous, in particular when we work together in an open and collaborative way. I’m looking forward to collectively learning as a group and to find ways to make public services work better for everyone in Wales.”

The Digital Standards Group remains open to contributions and engagement from public sector organisations across Wales. This collaborative effort is key to ensuring that digital public services are accessible, efficient, and aligned with the needs of citizens and public service teams alike.


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