Ten big benefits of a successful Celtic Freeport bid2
Accelerating Innovation and Investment
What is a Freeport and What will it Mean
Unlocking the Opportunities of the Celtic Freeport_panel banner
Unlocking New Sources of Economic Growth Across South Wales
Developing a Centre of Excellence
A Catalyst for Revitalising our
Developing an Industrial Eco System
An Essential Activator in Developing a Pan Wales Green Skills Revolution
The Celtic Freeport Could be the Southwest Version of Hinkley Point
A Framework to Develop the Infrastructure our Industries will Need to Reach NetZero
Unlocking Wales’ Global Ambition in Alignment with the Governments Green Energy Targets
The Celtic Freeport Opportunity_banner
New Supply Chain Opportunities that will Create Continuity of Employment
Developing New Routes to Market for our Innovative SMS’s Across all Regions of Wales
Accelerating Our Aspiration to Become a Global Leader in Green Technology
A Strong Base to Build a Diverse Skills Based Community
A Hub of Collaboration and Innovation Creating the Opportunities of Tomorrow
A Region of Ambition and Confidence to Deliver a Globally Leading Green Economy
Transforming the Economy Across the South Wales Region
Enabling and Accelerating Innovation within the Welsh Manufacturing Ecosystem

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