Denbighshire County Council’s Cabinet has approved the release of grant funding to support the delivery of phase one of the Former North Wales Hospital project.
Now led by Jones Bros Ruthin and supported by Ambition North Wales and Denbighshire County Council as key stakeholders, the Former North Wales Hospital project aims to deliver a scheme of regeneration improvements to the site and is expected to be undertaken in three different phases over a twelve-year period.
Phase one of the scheme will include demolition, remediation and safeguarding works to retained buildings, biodiversity and ecology works including the construction of two bat barns, upgrading utilities and creating a new highway access to the site. Jones Bros have separately funded the establishment of a construction skills centre on site used to train their operatives from apprentice trainees to postgraduates.
Denbighshire County Council have secured just under £20 million of UK Government funding for agreed projects within the Vale of Clwyd constituency through its application ‘Pride of Place and Natural Environment’. £3M of this funding was allocated in the approved application toward phase one of the project through the Vale of Clwyd Programme. This was in addition to the £7 million secured by Ambition North Wales through the UK Government’s Growth Deal Funding and a further £3 million private sector match funding allocated towards the first part of the project.
Hedd Vaughan-Evans, Head of Operations at Ambition North Wales said:
“We welcome the decision from Denbighshire County Council to approve the funding from UKG for £3m for the Phase 1 works at the Former North Wales Hospital, Denbigh. This is an important milestone for the project to confirm the whole funding package required to support the project into delivery. The investment into the development and the delivery of new employment and training opportunities on the site can now move forward and act as a catalyst for the regeneration in the town and wider economic growth across the county and region.”
Councillor Jason McLellan, Leader of Denbighshire County Council Lead Member for Economic Growth & Tackling Deprivation, said:
“It is pleasing that cabinet has made the decision to approve the release of grant funding to support the delivery of phase one of the Former North Wales Hospital project. This takes the project a step closer and negotiations on the final details on the planning application between Denbighshire County Council and Jones Bros are continuing and nearing a conclusion. Not only do these plans aim to regenerate a prominent historical landmark in Denbighshire, but it also plans to support the growth of the local economy”.